Anti Bulling with Camp Steel

Before the Easter vacations, an inspiring anti-bullying project called "Camp Stahl" took place in the gym of IPS Stollberg.

Open house

18.03.2023 - What a great Saturday it was? The sun laughed, the birds chirped and we opened the doors to all interested and curious.

Christmas Market

Many curious visitors flocked to our Christmas Market at IPS on 12/2/16.

1,2 or 3 - Our children are champions

How can you make air visible in a glass? This was the starting question from presenter Elton for the show 1,2 or 3, in which our 4th classes took part.

Autumn festival

Smiling, singing & shining, we paraded through the Dürer area in Stollberg for our lantern parade on Friday, 11/11/22.

Digital! Creative! Individual! - That is the school of the future.

The best thing you can give your child for life is forward-looking education. Together, we have constantly realigned our concepts. Not only in the area of teaching values, in foreign languages, in self-oriented, hands-on learning, but also in the IT area, we strive to create optimal contemporary framework conditions for the students entrusted to us.

Language diversity

We translate our web pages with an extension that creates an automatic translation using the latest software.

For this reason, we cannot guarantee a perfect and error-free translation.